may the breaking not cause me to seek out
temporary solutions, temporary alleviations, temporary protections -
in the process building a fortress of accumulated idols,
burying me in the walls that were intended to shelter
but may the crushing allow You to carve
a well so deep and so firm
to hold Your anointing,
Your anointing that breaks chains
within and without;
may it purify what my sins have stained -
the things You'd entrusted to me...
mold in me once again more space
for Your love and Your grace
in the way only You can create out of nothing
help me not to turn a blind eye or run away
as if it could cause sorrow to disappear
but help me to hold on
help me to keep trusting You
help me to endure in the little things
even if i don't know and can't see what You're doing
even if You feel far away
even if this life seems done away with
i don't know how but would You be glorified
help me to hold fast to Your hesed,
Your kind, relentless, unchanging love for us