
fears // figuring her out .

- thorns / walls
- difficulty asking for help
- pretending to hate what she likes
-- difficulty expressing affection

when the walls that were designed to protect
start to isolate and destroy...

"아무리 괜찮은 일상을 흉내를 내도
고장난 부분은 그렇게 불쑥 튀어나오더라고요."
<드라마 - 멜로무비>




be a planter of seeds


for your fulfillment and joy

the fruits will bear on the by

produce something

not for the success

(which, if it does come by, great,

if not, it's fine)

no more consuming

more creating

more planting



"The Hebrew word for this perfect, harmonious interdependence among all parts of creation is called shalom. We translate it as 'peace,' but the English word is basically negative, referring to the absence of trouble or hostility. The Hebrew word means much more than that. It means absolute wholeness — full, harmonious, joyful, flourishing life."

 The Reason for God, Tim Keller